You may have seen an increasing number of window cleaners using a pole system for cleaning windows, this is the reach and wash system. The principle of the reach and wash system of window cleaning is based on the use of cleaning with pure water without chemicals or cleaning agents. But is it really beneficial for your workplace? At Cholsey Cleaning Services LTD we would like to suggest there are several benefits to using this system.

  • Superior Window Cleaning Results

The Reach and Wash system uses a lightweight carbon fibre pole where pure water is fed to a brush at the end. The brush is then moved across the window allowing the pure water to absorb impurities and lift the dirt. The window is then rinsed to leave a streak free sterile surface. Not only does the reach and wash system leave the window clean, it also cleans the frames and sills.

  • Eco-Friendly

The Reach and Wash system does not use any detergents. It only uses purified deionised and softened water. It is completely eco-friendly.

  • Window Glass Stays Cleaner for Longer

The water goes through a special filter and because it is deionised it has no static charge. Left for a short time the water runs away and leaves windows streak free. The detergents used in traditional window cleaning actually attract dirt so with Reach and Wash your windows will stay cleaner for longer.

  • Satisfies Health and Safety Working at Height Regulations

Windows are often in difficult to reach positions, which is hazardous to operatives using the traditional ladder system. Reach and Wash is carried out at ground level with telescopic state of the art carbon fibre poles, with scope to reach heights up to 70ft

  • Reduced Risk of Damage to Client’s Property

Using Reach and Wash avoids disturbance of garden borders and landscaping. Guttering, window sills and brickwork are no longer at risk of damage by ladders. This also enables conservatory roofs and atriums to be safely cleaned.

So if you think that the Reach and Wash System is something your company or home could benefit from contact us via phone, email or online and we will be happy to discuss your requirements